Use These 3 Essential Oils To Help You Heal After A Root Canal

With more than 15 million root canals being performed by dental professionals each year, it's likely that you will need one of these root canals at some point in your life. While a root canal can prevent more serious dental issues, recovering from the procedure can be difficult for some.

If you don't like the thought of relying on narcotic drugs to help you heal from a root canal, here are three types of essential oils you might want to consider using instead.

1. Oregano Oil To Reduce Inflammation

Because root canals require your dental professional to disturb the delicate tissue beneath your teeth, inflammation commonly occurs in the days following a root canal. Inflammation can cause discomfort by making the area surrounding a root canal tender and stiff. Instead of relying on an anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by your dentist, you can turn to essential oils to help alleviate inflammation instead.

Oregano oil contains a compound known as beta-caryophyllin. This compound has been proven effective in reducing inflammation, and it can also boost your immune system to help speed the healing process after you have a root canal. 

2. Wintergreen Oil To Reduce Pain

Many prescription pain medications are highly addictive. If you want to avoid the risks associated with these drugs, then you might want to try managing your post-root canal pain with wintergreen oil instead. This essential oil is an anodyne, meaning it has the power to get rid of pain and induce a state of relaxation.

Wintergreen oil should never be taken orally. To enjoy the pain-relieving benefits this oil can provide, simply rub a few drops onto the skin near the area affected by a root canal. If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive to reduce irritation.

3. Tea Tree Oil To Combat Infection

After a root canal infection control is important, and many dentists will prescribe an antibiotic to help keep bacteria growth in check. Unfortunately, bacteria can become resistant to these medications over time. Opting to manage your risk of infection through the use of tea tree oil instead can eliminate the problems associated with antibiotics.

To take advantage of the antibacterial properties of tea tree oil, dilute a few drops of tea tree oil in a carrier oil. Add this to water. Use the oil-infused water as a mouthwash, making sure that you fully coat the area affected by the root canal for maximum protection against infection.

Using essential oils to help you recover from a root canal is a great way to reduce your dependence on prescription medications, without compromising your comfort.
