The age at which baby teeth erupt vary among children; some children will have their first baby teeth come in at around six months, while others wait until around twelve months before the first comes in. Generally the first teeth to come in are the lower incisors (front teeth) followed by the upper incisors, with the second molars being the last to come in. When your child loses his or her baby teeth, they will very likely fall out in the same order. All of your child's baby teeth should grow in by the age of three. Once your child's first tooth has come in, you should schedule an appointment with your local family dentist to ensure that your child is on his or her way to a bright smile and perfect dental health.
Teething Rings Or Frozen Washcloths Help To Reduce Teething Pain
While most children will experience no issues when their baby teeth come in, some kids do experience moderate teething pain in their gums. When teething, your child's gums may appear red or swollen and they may experience discomfort when you touch their gums. Excessive drooling is another common symptom of teething. To make your child more comfortable, you can give your child a teething ring or a frozen washcloth to bite down on. The cold temperatures will reduce swelling in the area and reduce the amount of pain your child experiences during teething. Avoid over-the-counter numbing gels made for adults such as those containing benzocaine, as they are not suitable for infants. You should also avoid teething biscuits, as these biscuits typically contain sugar and can contribute to tooth decay.
Brush Your Child's Baby Teeth Twice A Day To Prevent Cavities
You should begin regular brushing as soon as your child's first tooth comes in. In order to prevent tooth decay and maintain good oral hygiene, it's important that your child brush his or her mouth at least twice a day. For infants, put a very small amount of fluoride-containing toothpaste on a baby toothbrush and gently brush your baby's teeth and gums. Since your baby will be unable to spit out any excess toothpaste, it's important to use a very small amount; swallowing too much toothpaste can lead to gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea and vomiting. For toddlers, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. At this age you should also teach your child to spit out any remaining toothpaste after you are done brushing. You should monitor your child's brushing habits until the age of seven or eight to ensure that your child is brushing his or her teeth correctly.
Schedule An Appointment With A Family Dentist To Ensure Your Child's Teeth And Gums Are Healthy
Once your child's first tooth has erupted, it's time to schedule an appointment with a local family dentistry office, like Clendenon Kirby DDS, to check on the development of your child's teeth. Your dentist will ensure that your child's baby teeth are coming in at an appropriate rate and will check for any cavities that your child might develop. Children sometimes begin to develop cavities before all of their baby teeth have finished coming in, so maintaining good dental hygiene is important even at an early age.