While the results can be spectacular, being fitted with dental implants can take a chunk of time. In most cases, the reasons for the extended process have to do with gums that get inflamed by the preparatory steps. For example, some people have to have bone grafts inserted before their jaws are stable enough to hold onto a dental implant. That process can add several months to things as you wait for the bones to bond and the inflammation to subside. Another common issue with implants is the removal of an existing tooth. Read on and find out more about what to expect if you need an extraction before you get a dental implant.
The Implant Process Explained
Each step of the dental implant process is important, and most steps cannot be skipped. However, as you will find out, the process can be shortened considerably for some patients. Here is the traditional method of dental implantation surgery:
- Once any damaged teeth are extracted and bone graft surgery has been performed, a wait of a few months is common to allow the inflammation to settle down.
- A visit to have the implant posts inserted takes place, and waiting for the inflammation to calm down is once again necessary.
- Then, the top part of the implant, or the crown, is fitted atop the posts.
The Shortened Implant Process Explained
Not all dental patients have to spend that much time waiting, though. If you have strong jawbones, you may be able to qualify for implants in a single day, even if a tooth has to be extracted first. Take a look at the shortened process below:
- You are sedated using either intravenous (IV) anesthesia or numbed with an injection.
- If a tooth is to be extracted, impressions of the damaged tooth are made and sent immediately to the dental lab. Some offices have labs on the premises. A crown is created from the impression.
- A very gentle tooth extraction is performed with an eye toward reducing gum damage and inflammation.
- The implant post is surgically inserted. With shortened processes, the post is shorter and bonds to the jawbone quicker.
- The crown is placed on the post.
This type of implant process produces successful and natural results. In some cases, though, the implant may not be as stable and the longer process might be more appropriate. A dentist can tell you more about both ways of improving your smile.