
What Is an Oral Surgeon | Overview, Expertise, and Benefits

Many people may have heard of the term 'oral surgeon' but may not know exactly what that means or what an oral surgeon does. Below are some facts you need to know. What Is an Oral Surgeon? Oral surgeons are dental specialists who have completed additional surgical training in a hospital-based residency program above and beyond traditional dentistry training. They are highly experienced in diagnosing and treating various dental and oral diseases, injuries, and defects that require surgical intervention.

Why Baking Soda Isn't A Great Choice For Teeth Whitening

Perhaps you were trying to whiten your teeth in what you thought was the gentlest, most natural way possible. So instead of using a teeth whitening kit that contains a bleaching agent, you went with an old remedy found in your kitchen cupboard. Making your own natural teeth whitening paste using baking soda and water sure seemed like a good idea at the time, but why are your teeth now so sensitive?

What About Invisible Braces? Will They Work For You?

Have you ever thought about getting braces but you're worried about what would happen to the way your smile looks if you get them? Are you an adult and you want to get braces but you don't want a mouth of metal that everyone can see? The reality is that you have many more options when it comes to oral health than ever before, including using invisible braces like Invisalign.

Missing Teeth? 4 Reasons To Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for missing teeth. They are small, titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone and serve as artificial tooth roots. Once the implant is placed, a crown is attached to it, creating a natural-looking replacement for a missing tooth. If you are considering dental implants but are unsure if they are right for you, here are four reasons to get dental implants.

How Lip-Tie Can Affect A Newborn's Ability To Breastfeed

If you are expecting a baby, one aspect of preparation you may be researching is whether you want to formula feed or breastfeed. Harvard Health says that, unfortunately, some women can experience a level of shame when deciding which route to take. There are a lot of factors that can go into feeding—for instance, some women may struggle to produce enough milk or some babies may still struggle to latch. Another factor during feeding that parents should be aware of is the potential for lip-tie.